This article was originally published on EventMB (now Skift Meetings) & reprinted here with permission.

Being an #eventprof is awesome! Even if you love your job, you still need to maintain some balance between work and non-work activities.

Being an #eventprof is one of the most rewarding jobs; however, it is also one of the most stressful. While some people may see this as a negative thing, I see it as a positive challenge. Once you admit the stress that comes with the job, you are able to positively address and manage the it, preventing burnout. Below are a few ways to help keep you balanced, relaxed and motivated.

Give Yourself Permission To Relax

As an admitted workaholic and perfectionist, it’s difficult for me to accept that I need to stop working sometimes. Once I realized I was too stressed and my work and life was beginning to suffer from it, I realized it was time for a change. I had to acknowledge that since I was working so hard, I needed a break sometimes. By allowing myself to relax, and finding other things that made me happy, I was actually able to work more effectively.


Sleep is a very important aspect to your life. Make sure you are practicing good sleep habits. Set limits to your work day so you do not suffer the effects of sleep deprivation. Though the actual number depends on each individual, the National Sleep Foundation recommends 6-10 hours of sleep each night.


Naps and siestas are also pretty awesome (if you are able to take one). Sara C. Mednick, PhD, sleep expert and author of Take a Nap! Change Your Life says you can receive great benefits from napping. A 20-minute power nap is good for alertness and motor learning skills, while a 30 to 60 minute nap is good for decision-making skills. Longer naps (60 to 90 minutes) help with solving creative problems.

Deep Breathing

If you are feeling stressed, simple deep breathing and meditation. After just a few minutes of deep breathing and simple meditation exercises, you may find that you are able to boost your focus. One simple deep breathing exercise is the 4-7-8 exercise. After exhaling completing through your mouth (make a whooshing sound), inhale quietly through your nose while counting to four in your head. Hold your breath while counting to seven in your head, then exhale completely through your mouth (make a whooshing sound) while counting to eight in your head. Repeat this cycle 4 times.


We’ve all seen the numerous articles encouraging us to exercise. Exercising doesn’t have to be strenuous, include a gym membership, or take up a large chunk of your day. It can be an easy 10 minute walk during lunch, some yoga stretching in your bedroom before your morning shower, or quick 5-10 minute workouts without weights.

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating and exercise go hand in hand. While eating healthy is often spoken in relationship to losing weight, you also need to be aware of how food affects your daily life. Certain foods boost your energy and metabolism. Caffeine and sugary foods can give you a quick burst of energy, but also leads to a big crash. Cycling though these energy spurts and crashes throughout the day can lead to stress and frustration, especially when you need to be productive all day long. This, in turn, leads to a cycle of eating unhealthy to try and maintain that caffeine rush. Be aware of the foods you are eating. Make sure you are putting good, healthy energy into your body throughout the day.


Whether you prefer fiction, sci-fi, how to’s, or biographies, reading is an excellent way to get away and explore a whole new world. You can pick up an actual book or use technology to read on your mobile devices. Reading allows you to engross yourself in a story and give your brain time to relax from the stresses at work or home. Listening to audiobooks is also a great way to relax while in the car, on the train, or just about anywhere.


While too much TV or movie time can become a problem, having a favorite show or two is a great way to schedule relaxation into your day. You can even put it on your calendar! If you enjoy movies, going out with some your friends to catch a new release is also a great way to unwind and relax. Watching TV shows or movies also allows you to step outside of your world and see other creative minds at work.

As we get deeper into events and projects, our hobbies tend to take a back seat, or even totally disappear. While being focused and working hard is important, you should also find outlets that help you relax and take a break. Rediscovering a long-lost hobby can be very gratifying. Whether it’s camping, archery, bowling or knitting, find something relaxing to do that makes you happy. Is there something that you’ve always wanted to try? What are you waiting for? My husband has always wanted to learn to tap dance. This year, he finally tried a class and loved it! Going to class (and practicing) has become an outlet for him that helps him relax.


Whether you like console games like Playstation or Xbox, games on your phone, or old school board games, gaming is a great way to relax and get your mind off work. You can game with friends, by yourself, and at any time of day! Sometimes taking a quick break to play a game on my mobile phone helps me to relax and get back to work with more focus.

Friends and Family Time

Don’t forget your friends and family! If you find you are missing family meals or activities, schedule those times into your calendar. And don’t forget your furry family members! Taking time to play or snuggle with your pet is a great way to relax. Whether it is an afternoon at the park playing with kids, a movie night with your spouse, or drinks with your friends, finding time to spend with loved ones is a great way to relax.


Taking some time to get pampered at a spa is a fun way to relieve stress as well. While it may cost a bit more than other options, you don’t have to go all out. Manicures, pedicures, or even short massages are low cost spa options. You can even pamper yourself at home with a nice long bath or giving yourself a manicure or pedicure.

Take Time Off

Sometimes, the best thing to do is to shut down and get away. If it doesn’t make you too anxious, turn the computer off, and put the phone and tablets down. Turn off the constant notifications and get away for a few minutes. Enjoy the silence.

In Conclusion

To keep your stress levels under control, you need to find something else that you enjoy. While I love my job, and work long hours, I have found that in order to stay relaxed, creative, and to not burn out, I need outlets. For me, I enjoy knitting, walks with my family, and playing Super Mario Brothers!