A Vision of the Future

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Throughout the past year, attendee expectations for events have changed - and hybrid event options are likely to be a mandatory aspect of your events moving forward, especially for the next few years. As we start to develop and redesign our meetings and events for the future, the most common option is to add a virtual component and allow virtual attendees to live stream the in-person sessions - because that's the way we've always done it. While this may be the option we are the most comfortable with, have you stopped to consider if it's actually the best option? Have you considered, "What If?"

Your expectations, realities, and goals of an event, along with attendees, are not the same as they were a year ago. Does your current event model still work for what is expected and now possible? Embracing what technology can now provide, consider what an event could potentially look like if you completely reimagine your entire meeting concept and changed it into a completely non-traditional format?

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This concept is a lot to take in, but shows how the current virtual environment is opening up new thoughts and ideas that now allow planners to consider completely new strategic, meeting, and even brand growth ideas - all combined together. Alongside technology, a new event design could help you solve ongoing issues that have always been around with in-person events, as well as solve some of the current issues we are facing with travel restrictions and safety concerns.

While the details and specifics would be as unique as your event, hopefully this (very) big-picture concept helps you begin to think about how events could possibly be streamlined and re-imagined into a future that is honestly already here.

What If...


Ok...let's get a bit creepy this week. Technology is always advancing...and sometimes maybe not for the best. With great power comes great responsibility...

One of the hottest technological advancements is called a "deep fake". A deep fake is where you digitally put someone's face on another person...in a moving video. They've actually been around for quite a while, but were never good enough to pass for authentic, especially when something passed in front of the face or the movement was extreme. Not anymore.

What does this actually mean? While we used to have to consider if only photos were edited, we now have to also consider whether or not a VIDEO is real. Need an example for it to make sense? Take a look at the Tom Cruise deep fake video below and try to remember that it is NOT actually Tom Cruise...

Thankfully, technology advances on both sides. As fast as this technology has advanced, another technology is being created to help detect these "deep fakes". One system that is hopeful has to do with using the reflection visible in the eyes to determine if it matches the background of the actual video. Crazy times!

Regardless, be careful out there - and think before you react to something you see online!