What Does A Digital Environment Actually Look Like?

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By the time in-person or hybrid meetings come back in full force, attendees will expect a virtual experience that works smoothly and is integrated effectively. The question we are facing now is:

"What can this new connected,
digital environment actually look like?"

We are not going to explore products or platforms here. We cannot recommend the best platform for you through a newsletter, especially without knowing anything about your event or your needs. Instead, we are going to explore the beginning aspects, brainstorming options, and overall thoughts that could become a connected virtual or hybrid event.

To begin with, remember to be creative and open. Ask questions. We are seeing the beginnings of the industry trying to tell planners how this new environment has to be. Tech companies are also trying to tell you how things have to be done, partly because it aligns with their product. Keep in mind that the virtual event environment is very flexible, and there is not single, concrete way to do things. Again - remember to be creative and think "What can this look like?", instead of "What does this look like?". Your ideas may not be possible, or may be too expensive, but it is a good place to start when designing a new virtual or hybrid event.

While tried and tested ideas are nice, there does come a time where attendees are tired of seeing and doing the same thing. New and creative ideas can work wonderfully, and as long as they are planned and implemented properly, attendees will be thankful. If you have ideas that you are curious about, or don't even know where to begin, talk to an expert - an event technologist. We can help show you the possibilities, and even help implement them!

Start by imagining and asking, "What If?".


If you haven't heard about or looked into the latest Mars Rover,
here are some quick and amazing stats!

Mars Perseverance
Launched: July 30, 2020
Distance Travelled: About 300 million miles
Landed: February 18, 2021

Click below for a quick tour of the Perseverance and mission.
Would this be considered a virtual event? It even has it's own autonomous helicopter!

Josh Power